A loan helped to buy inventory from local farmers in rural Panama.

Victor's story

Meet Victor!

Victor is a hardworking, young, and proactive farmer who cultivates sweet potatoes and raises cattle. Recently, following his entrepreneurial spirit, he founded a “mini super” which is a small supermarket. It is a store that sells food, snacks, and cleaning supplies, amongst other products needed by the people of Ipeti Colono, a small rural community in East Panama.

He started with a small investment from his home and today he has grown the business that helps improve his family’s quality of life. Like any entrepreneur, Victor always wants to keep growing. He has invested in building the walls, roof, and a better floor for his clients’ convenience. Victor took a loan last year to buy shelves and build a roof for his store. This loan has already been paid back and he even repaid way in advance of his repayment schedule!

Today, Victor is asking for a loan to invest in inventory for his small store and to buy products from local farmers and producers, supporting the local economy in his rural community. This store will also serve people in surrounding communities.

Thanks for being part of Victor’s general store growth!

This loan is special because:

It helps unbanked communities in rural areas gain access to financial services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details