A loan helped a member to buy more fertilizer and seeds for growing Irish potatoes.

Twunganirane Muhinzi Group's story

Twunganirane Muhinzi is represented by Emerthe, a 43-year-old mother of six children between the ages of 3 months and 24 years. She is a farmer and has been growing Irish potatoes for the past 20 years.

With the loan from Kiva, Emerthe would like to buy more fertilizer and seeds for growing Irish potatoes. With the profits from her farming, she will be able to provide school fees for the children.

The agriculture sector accounts for 37% of Rwanda's gross domestic product, generates 65% of Rwanda's export revenue, and employs approximately 90% of Rwandans (as of 2009).

Despite the importance of agriculture to Rwandans and their economy, financial institutions view lending to fund agricultural activities as a high-risk proposition, because the profitability of these activities is affected by weather, natural disasters, and price fluctuations.

For this reason, farmers in Rwanda remain underserved by financial institutions. Urwego Bank is expanding into this market and is happy to provide Kiva lenders with the opportunity to support Rwandan farmers.

Emerthe is thankful for your support.

*Due to the global pandemic, Urwego was not able to photograph all the members, but was able to get one representative for the group photo.

In this group: Emerthe, Chantal, Ruth, Maliam , Daniel, Winifride, Asnathe, Deborah, Rachel, Bonifrida, Dative, Herene, Marceline, Ladisilas, Sylvie, Jean De Dieu, Jacqueline, Aphlodis, Jean Claude , Daniel, Jean Baptiste

This loan is special because:

It provides high-quality direct inputs for rural Rwandan farmers.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details