A loan helped a woman-owned beauty business expand and empower women via self-care.

Erica's story

I created WhollyGloss 6 months after I had my son. I needed a pick me up, something that would make me feel sexy again. I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, but got to travel to places like New York, London, Paris, Los Angeles, etc. Everything fashion, beauty, and entertainment were always been my go-to. I was so determined to work in the fashion industry that I majored in Fashion Merchandising and received my bachelor's degree.

After several years of trying to work for other brands and is not fulfilling me. I started from scratch with nothing but an idea. I have grown my beauty business by re-investing our earnings and personally funding WhollyGloss, taking advantage of BIPOC programs, free business webinars, and learning from my own experiences.

I'm very proud to have made a commitment to give back to the health of Women's Reproductive systems. I have personally dealt with several reproductive problems. WhollyGloss is a brand that will focus on the well-being of women when they give birth, have fibroids or cysts, have to have c-sections, have severe morning sickness to make sure that they find their way back to themselves and felling whole as women again. We are excited and grateful to be able to bring this topic and this support to our community of women.

This loan is special because:

It helps a woman-owned business overcome the challenges posed by the COVID-19 crisis.

Loan details

About WhollyGloss

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: whollygloss.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details