A loan helped a member purchase a new kitchen.

Itapaqui Group's story

Mariel is an enterprising 32 year old woman. She and her husband Roberto are raising 5 children under 18 years old. The members of her Bank chose her to be president because she is very responsible. She is seated in this photograph. All of the members of ITAPAQUI communal bank have been working as salespeople or service providers for many years. They will all invest the money in their businesses. They want to improve their quality of life by increasing their income.
2 years ago Mariela started making and selling chicken sandwiches and empanadas, as well as lunches. She requested the loan to buy a new kitchen.

In this group: Luz Miriam , Mirtha , Mariela , Mercedes , Daniela , Yulisa , Ines , Jesus Yosselin

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ina Rimpau.

This loan is special because:

It allows financially marginalized people to access loans and training through communal banks.

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