A loan helped to buy assorted items such as canned goods, beverages, and toiletries to sell.

Anecia's story

Anecia is from the town of Dulag. She is the mother of one adult child. She runs a sari-sari (variety) store where she sells goods including eggs, seasonings, edible oil, assorted canned goods, biscuits, and soft drinks.

Her store is located in front of her house, serving mostly neighbors and nearby residents. Besides running a store, Anecia also provides food catering for local people from her place.

Anecia has decided to take out a loan to buy assorted items such as canned goods, beverages, and toiletries to sell in her store.

With these items, Anecia can maximize her resources, enabling her to maintain the flow of the store's merchandise. Thus, she can continue to save to invest in any possible business to become successful.

This loan is special because:

It provides training and capital for this borrower.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details