A loan helped to purchase groceries, disposable goods, and other items for her business.

Alejandra Elizabeth's story

Alexandra, 44, is in a common-law relationship, and she has three children ages 18, 16, and 13. Her husband is a recycler, and they live in Manta, one of the most important cities on the coast of Ecuador in terms of business and tourism.

Alexandra is a woman who strives daily to get ahead despite the adversities the world is facing. She does not let herself get defeated, and for this reason, she decided to start a business selling “corviches” [fritters made with green plantains and fish, usually tuna or sea bass], “empanadas” [pastry filled with chopped or ground meat, vegetables, fruit, etc., and usually baked or fried], “lampreados” [fried patties consisting of ground beef, mashed cassava, and lots of green onions]. She sells her food from home every weekend.

Her previous business was selling clothing, but she stopped for personal reasons. She is taking advantage of the opportunity to request another loan to expand her food sales business.

She will use the funds to purchase groceries, disposable goods, and other items for her business. Her dream is to continue improving her business.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Eleanor Francoletti-Putz.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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