A loan helped an immigrant entrepreneur to change the medical bill problem in the U.S.

Kimbol's story

I started looking into the medical bill problem in the US two years ago, after my son's emergency room visit of minor pneumonia. I started to notice the transparency issue in our healthcare system, and this has resulted in patients getting ripped off, causing them financial distress and even pushing people into bankruptcy due to medical debts.

I believe a great nation should deserve great healthcare. It should be affordable to all and everyone has the right to know how much it will cost beforehand so they can afford to make the right decision for their care.

That's why I created thepatientunion.com, a website that provides data transparency and medical bill information from user data, where patients can provide their own medical costs anonymously without privacy concerns. On top of that, the website can help patients reduce their medical debt and bills so they only pay for the services they used.

I grew up in China and immigrated to Singapore before I settled in the United States. Witnessing the difference between the three healthcare systems, I was surprised that patients do not get a chance to know an estimate for their medical service, even after the service has been delivered.

Let's look at an example, there are an estimated 45,699 Baltimore residents without insurance coverage, with its median income of $50,379 in 2019, falling behind the national level of $68,703 by 27%, which makes the city residents more vulnerable to medical bill debts.

By starting close to home in Baltimore to create medical bill transparency and provide techniques in reducing over-charged bills, our communities will be able to save money and receive needed healthcare services. Our hope is to spread this to other cities experiencing this issue and improve the quality of life in low-income communities.

This loan is special because:

It supports an immigrant entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Patient Unions

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: thepatientunion.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details