A loan helped to purchase 70 water purifiers to sell to her community members, providing them with safe drinking water.

Titin's story

Mrs. Titin is the mother of 6 children and lives in Bekasi, West Java.

In Indonesia, you cannot drink from the tap and most people don't even have a tap. For that reason, most inhabitants of Indonesians boil the water before they drink it. Or, if they have they money, they buy bottled water. At a community gathering, where the outreach team from Nazava was invited, Mrs. Titin learned about an easier and better way of getting safe drinking water. Nazava Water Filters filter well, rain, and city water so it becomes safe to drink without boiling, without using fuel or electricity.

She has a large regional network and took the opportunity and became a reseller of Nazava in her area. This is the sixth time Mrs. Titin applies for a loan. She has an excellent record in repaying her loans.

This loan will allow Mrs. Titin to buy 70 filters and sell them on consignment to her community, making safe drinking water available to 350 people.

This loan is special because:

It helps get water filters to remote communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details