A loan helped pay for her monthly tuition.

Alicia Teresa's story

Alicia F. is from the city of Caaguazú. She is 23 years old and in her fifth year studying Legal and Notary Sciences at Universidad del Norte in Caaguazú. Alicia has a 22 year old sister who graduated with a degree in Accounting from the same school. Her mother has a business renting out tables and chairs for social events, while her father works as a merchant.

Alicia currently works as a registrar at the courthouse, where she is gaining experience while earning an income to help pay for her studies. She is eager to finish her degree so that she can open her own law practice, grow professionally, and be recognized for her excellent work as a lawyer.

Alicia is requesting a loan to pay her monthly tuition. Since she is seeking to complete two degrees, the cost is quite expensive.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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