A loan helped to prepare the land and to buy seeds and fertilizer to have a good harvest and make an extra income for her family.

Juljana's story

Juljana is a 39-year-old rural woman. She is married and a proud mother of three beautiful daughters. She and her husband want the best for their daughters and that's why they try very hard to provide for offering to them a better future.

She works in a private school and her husband produces doors and windows for selling. Also, they both do agricultural activities as they have 20 dynym of family land on which they plant different products for selling and for family consumption too.

Juljana is asking for the first time for Kiva lenders' support as she wants to get ready for the next planting season. She wants to prepare the land and buy seeds and fertilizer to have a good harvest at the end of the season and make a good income for their family.

This loan is special because:

It enables women living in rural areas to access credit tailored to their needs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details