A loan helped to hire women to help with the preparing of her raw pandanus and also pay women to help with her weaving.

'Etivise's story

'Etivise is a weaver who weaves, sells her weaving, and uses that money to raise her children. She also sells pandanus to weaving women who might need it. On their plantation her husband grows many pandanus trees to provide for her weaving so she will not have to buy pandanus. They still have no children, for they just got married. 'Etivise learned weaving from her mother when she was growing up, and now she is using that skills to make a living for her and her husband. It is the right time for her to make earnings, save money and build financial security for their future children. She weaves taovala and mats only, and she only sells her weaving to overseas customers. Currently they live at her parent's house, and her plan is to have their own home for their future children to grow up at. She has lots of pandanus, but she cannot finish it all so she applies for this loan to hire women to help with the preparing of her pandanus for the weaving and also pay women to weave for her. Her weaving is needed by most customers for the quality of her weaving is good.

This loan is special because:

It helps proven female entrepreneurs grow their businesses and create jobs.

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