A loan helped to purchase pandanus for her weaving and also continue to pay women to weave for her.

'Eleni's story

This mother's name is 'Eleni. She is 61 years old, a widow with six grown-up children. 'Eleni lives with her youngest daughter, and together they operate a weaving business. She and her daughter weave taovala and mats and sell them to local and overseas customers.

'Eleni also has a group of women who weave for her to help with her customers' orders. Her weavings sell out at the local market, but she mainly sells her weavings to her overseas customers.

This loan will help 'Eleni purchase enough pandanus for her weaving and also continue to pay women to weave for her. 'Eleni's daughter is getting married next year, and she use her business to earn savings for her daughter's wedding.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

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