A loan helped a member to buy natural medicines to sell.

San Agustin Group's story

The group called San Agustin is in their 8th cycle of the women's committee, where everyone works to get ahead. They are also a part of the poverty elimination program, striving to improve themselves and succeed.

All of members of the group are women who are selfless fighters, but among them it is worth mentioning Alejandrina. She fights to help her two children make progress and to be able to provide them with a better quality of life than she has had.

Her business is modest, but in spite of that she does not give up, seeking ways to be able to grow and keep improving with her sales of natural medicines.

She mentions that she also helps her husband with the household income with her work, and that they work together.

She is requesting this loan to buy natural medicines to sell, and invest in her business and improve it by doing so.

Please note: This is a group loan but there is only one person in the photograph. A group picture was not possible, in an effort to avoid gathering people together due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In this group: Verónica, Carmen, María, Margarita, Carmen, Guillermina, Deidy, Agripina, Purificación, Yris, Crescencia, Claudelina, Plasida, Alejandrina, Ilda, Elena, Nidia, Gloria, Venancia, Migdonia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kristin Fisher.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details