A loan helped to buy a head of cattle.

Zenobio's story

Zenobio, 23, was born in the city of Paruro. Currently, Zenobio lives in the community of Cajamarca, Cachimayo district, Anta province, Cusco department with his wife and daughter, Britt Alexandra, 1. Cachinayo is located 25 minutes from the city of Cusco.

Zenobio has been a farmer and cattleman for the last two years and does well. One can find him tending to his fields from 5am until 5pm performing his pasturage chores with his 20 dairy cows and other chores he has.

Zenobio expects to get 1000 new soles in his next loan that he’d like to use to buy a head of cattle. His dream is to buy a field where he can farm potatoes, corn, wheat and many other things.

The “Señor de Ccoyllority Cachimayo” (Lord of Ccoyllority Cachimayo) communal bank has been in operation for three and a half years and Zenobio has been a member for three years and does well.

The members of this communal bank are devoted to Taytacha Ccoyllority (Lord of the Shining Snow) and this is the reason they named their communal bank thus.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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