A loan helped a single mom to buy farm inputs such as seeds and fertilizers to improve the quality of her farm products and attract more buyers.

Anastacia's story

Anastacia (39 year-old single mom of four) believes that hard work is the key to success. Through agribusiness production, she achieves the satisfaction of seeing her children walk to school happily every morning. Every early morning, when most of the people are under their blankets, Anastacia goes to her farm to work for the daily bread for her loving family. Although her life is full of twists and turns, she injects passion and determination in her work in anticipation of future prosperity. Her primary source of income is crops.

In Kenya, agriculture is one of the most competitive industries, especially due to the high costs of operations necessary to improve farming. Such costs include the cost of land acquisition and inputs which have skyrocketed. To meet the high costs of inputs, farmers have been forced to borrow from financial institutions, which sometimes impose very complicated procedures in loan distribution.

Anastacia is seeking a loan to buy farm inputs such as seeds and fertilizers to improve the quality of her farm products and attract more buyers, leading to more profits. To others, it might just be a mere loan, but to Anastacia it’s the biggest opportunity she will have this season to change her life.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

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