A loan helped to buy pandanus for her weaving business.

Telisa's story

Telisa weaves taovala and konga kie, then sells it to earn income for her family. She is a mother of seven, and a wife of a security guard. Her husband's wages hardly cover their expenses, but with her business, they can both be able to provide and care for their family.

She has some local customers who take interest in her work, but she mainly sends her weavings overseas where she receives a good amount of money to help her family.

This loan will help Telisa in purchasing efficient pandanus for her weaving. Her dream is to renovate their two-bedroom house and build a bigger house so that her family can fit in it.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details