A loan helped to buy chemicals and fertilizers for sukumawiki which she has already planted and to prepare land to plant more vegetables.

Margaret Naanyu's story

Margaret Naanyu K. is 33 years old. She is single and the mother of two children, 2 and 6 years old. Margaret has been farming on her own piece of land for the last ten years.

Margaret learned about KADET from a colleague who is already a KADET registered client. This will be her first loan. She is planning to spend 20,000 KES to buy chemicals and fertilizers for sukumawiki (green leafy vegetables) which she has already planted and 30,000 KES to prepare land to plant more vegetables. With the profits she hopes to make from the proceeds of this loan, she plans to reinvest in the farm and plant different varieties of vegetables such as cabbages, carrots, and spinach. Her hope and dream is to become a large scale vegetable farmer and to start fruit farming. Margaret is a hardworking woman and, with the right resources, she can do great.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details