A loan helped to prepare the land and buy seeds and fertilizers in order to plant cabbages and have a good harvest at the end of the season.

Vitrina's story

Vitrina is a 39-year-old rural woman. She is married and a proud mother of four beautiful daughters. To provide for her family she works as a seamstress; meanwhile, her husband works in construction. Also they have 12 dynym of family land on which they plant different products. Vitrina needs to prepare the land and buy seeds and fertilizers in order to plant cabbages and have a good harvest at the end of the season.

Vitrina is asking for the first time for Kiva lenders' support to pay for the agricultural expenses in order to make extra income for her family.

This loan is special because:

It enables low-income farmers to access credit tailored to their needs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details