A loan helped to buy sand, cement, bricks, and equipment to build a biogas system.

Ngà's story

Mrs Ngà is 57 years old and married. She is part of the Dao ethnic minority and lives in Cẩm Thủy district, a mountainous region of Thanh Hoa province and far away from the city center.

She and her husband have been farmers for over 20 years. On their farm they grow rice, corn, and vegetables and raise chickens, ducks, and cows for sale. She plans to use the animal waste to make compost for her farm but lacks credit.

She asked for her second loan cycle from Thanh Hoa MFI to buy sand, cement, bricks, and equipment to build a biogas system.

In the future, Ngà hopes for her family to be healthy and happy, for her business to do well, and for her children to do well in school.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean drinking water and improved sanitation facilities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details