A loan helped to purchase a dairy cow and increase her milk supply and profits.

Alice's story

Meet this lovely mum, Alice. From her smile, it is evident that life has been good to her and she has all the reasons to be happy. She is an agricultural producer who resides in a humble village in Bomet. Alice is very determined to transform her dream of becoming a successful farmer into reality.

In her village, poverty is very common among residents, especially those who still look forward to getting a white-collar job. Alice is very hardworking, despite the many responsibilities that await her. She has been practicing farming on a small, inherited piece of land for the past few years.

From Kiva lenders, she is borrowing 30,000 KES to purchase another high-yielding dairy cow to increase her milk-vending business. This cow will boost milk production on the farm. As a result, she will have more milk for both consumption and sales. With the money from the additional sales, she will be able to repay her loan on time.

With the increased income from the loan, she plans to meet the high cost of farming production. In the long run, her family will realize an improved standard of living.

Kindly lend to her!

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

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