A loan helped to pay for a surgery for her disabled mother in order for her to recover and feel better.

Yllka's story

Yllka is a 29-year-old woman from a small village in south Albania, who has found it difficult to smile. Yllka grew up in a family where her older brother and mother had the same disability. It was only her father, who passed away one year ago, who provided for the family.

When she was just a child, Yllka experienced her illness for the first time - an incurable illness that might leave her disabled if there were no other people nearby to help her. When things finally seemed to get better for her, Yllka met a boy with whom she fell in love and become the mother of a lovely daughter. Her partner abandoned her and her daughter, with the justification that he could not risk having a daughter and wife with the same health problems.

All of this has made Yllka a tough woman and a strong mother. She is the main provider for her family now, aside from her brother's disability pension and her mother's retirement pension. She plants different vegetables during the entire year to make sure that her family always has food on the table.

Now, Yllka is asking for Kiva lenders' support in order to pay for a surgery for her disabled mother, to help her recover and feel better.

This loan is special because:

It helps families pay for potentially life-saving medical expenses.

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