A loan helped a black business coach improve marketing and exposure by securing a deposit for a guest speaker.

Malik's story

I'm a 23-year-old mega-entrepreneur business coach doing what I love, Inspiring others to challenge themselves to become their best selves! I started "LoudestLife" after only one year in real estate seeing how many people had such poor money management skills and lacked the needed mindset to fix it, I saw how easily you could get trapped in a certain way of life.

So, I knew I had a business but I started with $0 which forced me to hit the ground running for my first client, I sent letters, emails, text messages to anybody I thought could use a business coach, and recorded my process on TikTok as I started to get my first client or two: and before I knew it I had so many clients, I had to hire help.

The overwhelming need made me find my true passion which is speaking to inspire, I hosted a small local seminar where you could come and listen and take notes, and my community loved it more than I could've imagined but now I want to reach even more.

You may ask, "What does 'Loudest Life mean?" Well, Loudest Life simply means to be bold in your business endeavors, be bold in your love for yourself and your community, be loud about the life you want to live and the actions you're willing to take to get there. So I created Loudest Life to coach those who may believe their life is too quiet to live its loudest life!

I grew up in a family that always struggled and now to be the example for my family that you can do anything you put your mind to, will always keep me going!

This loan is special because:

It supports this passionate entrepreneur to expand their business.

Loan details

About Sails Group LLC

Industry: Education
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: creditsails.com

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details