A loan helped to buy seeds and diesel to carry out the necessary agricultural work.

Nicolai's story

Nicolai is a 32-year-old man from Salcuta village, Causeni region of Moldova. He is married and has three children who make his life happier.

Nicolai is a young farmer who wants to develop his business in Moldova. He deals with the cultivation of agricultural land. Nicolai's activity was started 4 years ago, when he started to buy agricultural land. He is currently cultivating 7 ha of land. The agricultural land is processed with the agricultural equipment he owns. Some of the processed ha are his own, but the other part belongs to his parents. Every year Nicolai cultivates corn and sunflowers. Agricultural production is sold at the market in the town and to the villagers.

Now, Nicolai needs to carry out some agricultural works that are important for a better harvest. Last year was a dry one and he failed to spend some money to invest in the business. For this reason, Nicolai asks for a loan from Kiva sources to buy seeds and diesel. Benefiting from the loan, he will be able to get the desired harvest and the after-sales income will increase for a better future.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details