A loan helped to buy farm inputs, such as nutrient-rich fertilizer and certified seeds to improve her farm's output and generate more income for her family.

Mary's story

Smallholder farmers in Kenya face many challenges, starting with lack of capital and poor living conditions. Mary, a 33-year-old mom of 2 school-aged children, is a smallholder farmer from Chuka who is working her way out of these conditions. She is a very hardworking farmer of animals and crops and a self-driven mother. Mary is known in her village for her resilient nature.

On her farm, she has been keeping animals and nurtures various crops. Through agriculture, she has made her life meaningful and she feels she is now deriving maximum pleasure. The main challenge that Mary has often complained of is the high cost of farming inputs in her area.

She wants to borrow this loan so that she can buy quality inputs, such as certified seeds and nutrient-rich fertilizer to use on her farm. Then Mary will be assured of a good harvest, which will consequently be reflected in her pocketbook.

Please support Mary with a loan and give her hope of a more elevated life.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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