A loan helped a member labour costs, seeds and small tools.

Benkadi I Group's story

Benkadi I is made up of ten married women who are around 43 years old and have three children and live in polygamous families in Ladjibougou, a village in the Dioïla municipality, in the Koulikoro region, the second largest region in Mali.
They are working with the Soro Yiriwaso microfinance association with the aim of better organising their businesses at the beginning of the crop wintering season. They cultivate rice, millet, peanuts and beans. They are on their second loan and successfully repaid their first.
With the new loan OUMOU C. aims to purchase seeds and small tools as well as paying the labour costs to manage around 1 to 3 hectars of rice and millet. The crops are sold in Dioïla and Massigui to a customer base made up of men and women. They envisage generating a profit of around 35,000FCFA.

In this group: Oumou, Mamou, Bata, Aminata, Sitan, Ramatou, Awa, Mah, Rokia, Fanta

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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