A loan helped to provide 25 medical clinics in Kenya with affordable life-saving diagnostic kits.

Ilara Health's story

Accurate diagnosis is the bedrock of quality healthcare. In Sub-Saharan Africa, accessible and affordable lab diagnosis is out of reach for millions while chronic diseases are on the rise with some, like diabetes, outpacing all other global regions. Africa accounts for two-thirds of all preventable maternal deaths, with the most life-threatening conditions easily detectable with ultrasound technology.

Ilara Health is focused on bringing essential, affordable, and life-saving diagnostics to African patient by providing primary care facilities with the next-generation point of care diagnostic tools focused on Diabetes and cardiac disease, Ante-natal imaging and ultrasound, Hematology (blood diseases), Opthalmology, Respiratory diseases, and more. The company operates a diagnosis-as-a-service model by sourcing medical devices and Integrating them into its tech system and enabling partner clinics and pharmacies to access a range of tech-enabled diagnostic devices.

To date, Ilara Health has availed diagnostic devices to 390+ healthcare providers who have reached over 5,000 patients in areas where diagnosis services are limited or non-existent.

This loan of $50,000 will enable Ilara to provide diagnostic tools to an additional 25 clinics and expand into new health areas such as oncology and necrology. This is Ilara Health’s first loan through the Kiva Social Enterprise program.

This loan is special because:

It will provide 25 clinics with critical diagnostic tools.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details