A loan helped a member to buy a variety of rolls of thread and beads of different colors and sizes.

Tejedoras Group's story

At 51 years of age, Ana has a business embroidering traditional blouses called "huipiles" and also makes beaded bracelets. To deliver 15 dozen bracelet weekly she has five employees. Ana is a married woman who did not go to school. She is requesting her 4th loan so she can continue to invest in her craft business. She will be able to buy a variety of rolls of thread and beads of different colors and sizes.

Ana has joined with eight other women in the Friendship Bridge communal bank “Tejedoras” in the Department / State of Sololá. Each month the women receive manual training. They speak Tzutuhil Mayan and Spanish with difficulty. The moderator gives the educations sessions in their language, part of the Micro-credit Plus program at Friendship Bridge. The lessons are based on useful topics, planning, budgeting and investing. This information helps them with their textile businesses. An instructor informs the women on basic practices including hygiene, the importance of handwashing and maintaining social distancing, and suggestions on how to manage their businesses at this difficult time.

Thank you Kiva lenders for your interest and support for the Mayan women of Guatemala!

In this group: Carmen, Concepcion, Ana, Concepcion, Ana, Maria Chiquibal , Andrea , Maria Lucia , Elena

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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