A loan helped to maintain his coffee and cacao plantations. He wants to improve their productivity.

Tito's story

Tito, 47 years old, is a hard working person, responsible, respectful and a fighter for his family. He wants to move forward with his partner and his 4 children who are his inspiration.

Some time ago he started growing cocoa and coffee. He sells the beans and always tries to be a good producer and farmer in his area, offering quality and a fair price.

That is why he is applying to a loan through Kiva to maintain his coffee and cocoa plantations. He wants to improve their productivity and that his customers are happy with the quality provided.

Tito also has other small businesses such as annual crops of corn, beans, cocona and breeding barnyard animals, which allows him to obtain a better income.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Paulo Aguiar.

This loan is special because:

It schedules repayment rates based on the harvest season to put less pressure on farmers' families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details