A loan helped a member to buy fabrics, shoes and bags that she will resell.

01_Silmang Group's story

This group of six women is part of the Banc Villageois which was set up in December 2014. They come from the same neighborhood and have good relations.
Madame Aïda, the 50-year-old manager, is standing to the right of the photo and her hand is raised. She is married and the mother of three boys.
Like the rest of the group, she has always repaid her loans successfully. Madame Aïda sells fabrics, bags and shoes, she buys her goods at the market in a big city and resells in her neighborhood by going door to door. She has more than 10 years of experience in this sector.
She will buy rolls of fabric, dozens of shoes and bags which she will also resell in the area, hoping for good earnings. She has good relations with her loyal customers.
Her profits allow her to increase her savings and participate in family expenses (food, clothing, medical costs, schooling, etc.)

In this group: Aïda, Coumba, Maïmouna, Awa, Rama, Khoudia

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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