A loan helped buy more Mexican shoes and clothing to sell to her customers.

Karen Anally's story

Namaste would like you to meet Karen Anally, a hardworking entrepreneur who lives in Colonia Socobal, Chimaltenango, Chimaltenango, Guatemala. She is 24, married with two young children, and has a high school degree. She is starting her second cycle with the Namaste Creating Prosperity Program. She learned a lot from her financial literacy classes and the advice from her personal business advisor, and grew her business quite a bit.

For seven years she has had a business buying and selling Mexican shoes, clothing, and other products. She sells them door to door and recently, with the help of her business advisor, she increased the range of products she sells and started selling them online. She has a small motorcycle that she uses to deliver purchases to her customers. Other things she has learned from her time with Namaste are to limit the giving of credit, to keep her business money separate, and to budget for both her business and home.

She will use her loan to buy more Mexican shoes and clothing to sell to her customers. Her husband picks up the products she orders in Mexico. Her business goal is to have a much larger scale business and to sell wholesale.

When she started with Namaste her monthly net profit was 1,700 Guatemalan Quetzales (GTQ) ($221). During the one cycle, she was able to increase that to 5,075 GTQ ($659) and by the end of this cycle, she hopes to get that to 6,265 GTQ ($814).

This loan is special because:

It provides mentoring for women entrepreneurs.

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