A loan helped to produce more fruits, such as papaya and banana, to sell at the market to increase his income.

Samuel's story

Samuel is a 66-year-old Mozambican man from Namaacha district. He is a long-term farmer, specializing in producing veggies such as tomato, onion, green pepper, eggplant, and chives. He is a well-known farmer in his village, as he helps smaller farmers around him by providing technical assistance and access to the market.

Samuel has a fixed market where he can deliver his products on a regular basis. Thanks to this activity he is able to address the basic needs of his children, and currently his older son works with him in this business.

A few years ago, Samuel started growing some fruits, namely papaya and banana, for consumption. He ended up finding this a good business opportunity since he could sell the surplus of his production. This fact motivated him so much that he is now keen to increase his fruit orchard.

For this reason, Samuel is requesting his first Kiva loan to produce more fruits, such as papaya and banana, to sell in the market in order to increase his income.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers access to new markets and agricultural resources.

Loan details

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Loan details