A loan helped to invest in a variety of goods, including edible oil, canned goods and beverages.

Jemmylie's story

Jemmylie is a mother of three children from Dagami. For a living, she runs a sari-sari (variety) store selling basic commodities, including noodles, canned goods, sugar, eggs, soap, soft drinks, and other beverages. She started her business a year ago and serves mostly town residents.

To cope with demand, Jemmylie decided to request a loan that will be used to invest in a variety of goods ranging from edible oil, canned goods and beverages. Thus, her earnings will continue to improve and enable her to provide her family with nutritious diets and save for her children's education.

Jemmylie is hoping that someday she will become a more successful entrepreneur and continue to grow her business.

This loan is special because:

It provides training and capital for this borrower.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details