A loan helped a member to buy firewood in bulk.

Azucenas De Maria Group's story

Generous and hard-working Rosa is 37 years old. She lives with her husband and their four children, aged between 4 and 15 years. The family lives in a rural area in the Sacatepéquez department/state. Rosa shares that she is committed to helping to maintain her household, even more so now during COVID when the family needs a higher income to bring up their children. Rosa studied for four years and has visions of her children finishing their secondary education. To achieve this goal, Rosa started two businesses: one making and selling textiles, the other selling firewood. Rosa wants to continue expanding her business so is applying for her first Kiva loan. Rosa wants to buy firewood in bulk to continue selling to customers.

Rosa is one of eight members of the "Azucenas de Maria" loan group in Puente de Amistad, in the Sacatepéquez department/state. The members, all women, want to invest in their small businesses, where they sell firewood, textiles, and food. Every month, a facilitator from the lending organisation (Friendship Bridge) meets with the women to emphasise the importance of hygiene, using masks, social distancing, and healthy eating. Four themes are covered at these meetings: health, family, women, business. A nurse also offers consultations with the women to check sugar and blood pressure levels, and pre-natal checks. This important combination of loans, education and health care is called "microloans plus".

Kiva lenders, please support the development of these women. Thank you!

In this group: Maria Rosa Lidia , Angelica , Maria Ofelia, Leidy Magaly, Maria Clara , Roxana Regina , Thelma Judith , Maria Carmelina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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