A loan helped to buy a car to develop his own business.

Artiom's story

Artiom is a 22-year-old man from northern Moldova, Edinet district, Constantinovca village. He is not married and currently lives with his parents. He really wants to be able to start a family.

To have a prosperous future he works hard. Artiom combines two activities. He works as a driver and has a business in agriculture. Artiom planted eggplants and tomatoes on his own land. He really likes the field of activity he has chosen and hopes that in the future he will be able to expand his business. He sells the vegetables he obtained at the market in the village. The sales revenue helps him get extra income for maintenance.

Now Artiom is applying for a Kiva loan to buy a car for his business. As a result, he will be able to transport the goods to the market when it necessary and will be able to ensure the developing of his business.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details