Raquel is 40 years old. She is a very hard working Mom. She lives in her own house together with her husband, their 3 children and her father. She sells casual clothing to her friends and family and on the weekends she sells tamales (a popular dish in Lima). In the very early in the morning she goes shopping and then she washes the corn husks that will hold the tamales. She enjoys her work, especially because her business is very well patronized by her clients. Raquel works alongside her family. While she makes the sauce her husband mills the corn. In the future she hopes to install a gate at her door, to make her house and business safe. She is committed to the obligations of this loan, as she always has. She knows that these loans key to the progress of her business. With this loan she will purchase new kitchen tools so that she may continue making tamales. She would also like to have more table cloths to dress up her business.
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