A loan helped a member purchase merchandise & supplies.

La Inmaculada Concepcion Group's story


Feliciana is 36 years old and lives in the district of Huaycán. She is in a common law marriage and has three children who are dependent on her. For the past five years she has managed a grocery store. During this time she has worked with the help of EDAPROSPO. Although she only sold soft drinks at first, Feliciana now sells food products such as cooking oil, milk, soups, and noodles, as well as beauty products. Through this business and with the support of her partner, who works in construction, she is able to proviD. for the daily household needs and pay for her children’s education. She is very happy with her Communal Bank team called “L. Inmaculada Concepción” (The Immaculate Conception), which was formed out of the friendship she has with her neighbors. Feliciana hopes to expand her business, fill her store with more merchandise, and help her friends who also want to develop their businesses.

In this group: Feliciana Manuela, Maria Luz, Guadalupe, Teresa Aurelia, Rosa Silvia, Benjamina, Ana Maria, Maria Isabel, Victoria, Victoria, Francisca

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

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