A loan helped a member to buy materials like caustic soda, powder, ink, white cotton cloth, etc. for making gara lappers.

Don’t Worry Group's story

Pictured here are the members of the “Don’t Worry” group. They are small-scale-business women based in Makeni, a city in northern Sierra Leone. They are seeking a loan of SLL 800,000 each to enable them to further expand their businesses. Consequently, they will make more profit and improve their standard of living.

The leader of this group is Kadiatu S. who is pictured on the left. Kadiatu was born in Makeni and is age forty-two. She is married with six children. His husband is a businessman and her children are attending schools: three in secondary school and three in primary school.

For four years now, Kadiatu has been selling gara lappers (locally dyed clothes). With this loan, she will buy more materials for making gara lappers like white cotton cloth, inks, caustic soda, powder, etc., so that she can produce many gara lappers to add to her stock.

In this group: Kadiatu, Aminata, Baby

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details