A loan helped to purchase more electronic cash for her mobile money business.

Juliana's story

Juliana is a 27-year-old entrepreneur who lives with her family in Bawku West district of Ghana. She operates a mobile money business.

With her previous loan, Juliana purchased electronic cash and used the profit earned to support her family’s daily needs. Juliana is requesting a Kiva loan in order to purchase more electronic cash for her mobile money business. She plans to use the profit earnt to support her family’s daily needs.

To repay the social interest on her loan, she will volunteer two and half hours per week as a Peer Educator, leading life skills sessions for students in schools. She covers topics such as - my rights my choices, choosing your career path, active citizenship etc.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details