A loan helped to buy seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides for cultivating a new crop of aromatic plants.

Mohammed's story

Mohammed, age 25, is a single young man who lives with his parents and sisters in the same house. He has a small plot of agricultural land. Mohammed cares for the land with help from his aging father, who taught him the secrets of cultivation. He previously requested a loan so that he could continue his business.

Mohammed still cares about his family and helps his parents with the household expenses. He also looks after his sisters by providing for their marriages and education. Mohammed wants to ensure that he produces better crops at harvest time. He has become known in the community and has a good reputation, so he wants to hold on to his success.

Mohammed is requesting a loan to buy seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides for cultivating aromatic plants. He hopes to return the favor to his parents and help his father with marriage preparations for his sisters. In addition, he wants to continue having a successful agricultural business since it is the only source of income for his family.

This loan is special because:

Young entrepreneurs will receive funding, finance and business coaching.

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