A loan helped a member to buy products to resell.

08-Boudie Samine Ps Group's story

This group composed of four women was created in August 2011. The members all live in the same village and are related. Their main business is selling retail various types of products. Dianké, aged 61, is the representative of the group and pictured alone because of Covid-19. She is married and the mother of 5 children. She has another girl under her care. With this new loan, she is planning to buy baobab fruits, bissap [hibiscus juice] and sugar to make juice and icecream to sell. With her profits, she is planning to strengthen her savings and to provide for her children.

In this group: Ami Colle, Dianke, Fanta, Sira

Translator profile picture

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural Senegal.

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