A loan helped a member to buy sugar sacks and tea boxes that she will resell in her area.

Ndeye Mbayang's Group's story

The group was created in the neighbourhood in 2010 when the banc villaegois began. This group is composed of 5 members who live together and have a good rapport with one another. They are involved in small business.

Ms. Ndéye, 35, is the group's representative. She is alone in the photo due to Covid-19 social distancing restrictions. She is married, and a mother of 5 children including three girls. Ndéye has been involved with small business since she joined the group. She gets her stock in the subregion, and carries out her business in her area.

With this loan, Ndéye is going to buy sacks of sugar and boxes of tea to resell in her area. The profits earned will be used to strengthen her savings and meet her needs.

In this group: Ndeye Mbayang, Fary, Mame Sokhna, Diame, Ndeye Awa

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Audrey Tavares.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women in rural and suburban Senegal.

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