A loan helped to buy rice, fish, shrimp, meats, and vegetables in order to prepare her foods.

Maria Jaqueline's story

Maria Jaqueline is a hard-working woman who, along with her husband, strives day after day to get ahead, in spite of the difficulties that they are going through. Thanks to the help of the loans, they are managing to continue.

They have a restaurant. There they prepare delicious breakfasts and lunches for their customers, who always prefer them for the good seasoning that she puts into her dishes and because of the good service that they offer. In spite of the fact that business has improved, it still isn't like it was before, but she continues hoping for better days.

This loan is to buy rice, fish, shrimp, meats, and vegetables to prepare her foods.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Loan details

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Loan details