A loan helped to open a new grocery store in the nearby center to serve both refugees and host community clients.

Emmanuel's story

Emmanuel is one of the successful entrepreneurs who live in Gisagara, near one of Rwanda's refugee camps.

Emmanuel is married and a father to six children. He runs a grocery store that has grown into a wholesale business in the host community. He also opened an equity bank agency, which helps the refugees access their monthly UNCHR stipends. Both businesses help him to provide for his family's basic needs.

Emmanuel has been in this business since 2008. He helped the refugees have access to different kinds of groceries. He has gained a large number of loyal clients and looks forward to taking his business to another level.

Emmanuel is requesting a loan to help him open a new store in the nearby center, which will allow him to serve both refugees and the host community clients. This will also boost his sales to a high level and be a good way to increase his income. It will allow him to keep continuously sustaining the welfare of his family.

This loan is special because:

It help refugees integrate into their host communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details