A loan helped a member to buy more boxes of plants and increase her working capital.

Arugishe Group's story

Grace is a client of Hekima and is the leader of the groupe villageoise Arugishe. She is a 42 years old married lady with 6 children, who are all in school. Her partner is a mechanic.

She has been selling plants for 20 years using her own start up funds. Later she joined Hekima and has been taking loans to support her business which has grown well.

With this new loan, she will buy cartons of plants and will increase her working capital. Her business runs well. She wants her children to continue with their education and also restore her house. She thanks Hekima for their support of non-bankable small business owners during the Covid crisis. She is shown alone in the picture as they respect social distances.

In this group: Faida, Grace, Petronie, Faraja, Chimene, Euphrasie, Fifi, Esperence, Raymond, Nadine, Bernadette, Phelista, Bahati, Aimerance, Pascasie, Tukoaa, Le Roi, Annie, Celestine

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Tim Gibson.

This loan is special because:

It serves entrepreneurs in conflict-affected areas with few opportunities.

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