A loan helped a member the purchase in bulk of items such as maize flour, bags of sugar, plastics, to resell at retail.

Akwata Empola Gambwa Womens Group 2-Mityana's story

B. Silvester, 42, has subsisted on earnings from his seven-year-old retail shop to care for his family’s welfare. The business, which brings in 250,000 shillings per month, has enabled this married father of six to make ends meet. It’s with savings from his erstwhile farming business that Silvester began his retail business. His customers vary from the very poor to middle-class people around Gambwa-Mityana. With this loan, this hard-working gentleman wants to purchase bags of sugar, salt, plastics, and maize flour in bulk to resell at retail.

In this group: Silvester, Koyada, Joan, Hamidu, Simon, Paul, Esther, Aidah, Prossy, Lukia, Isaac, Aloysious

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