A loan helped a member to add more money to his business.

Youth For Progress Group's story

Pervis G., who is holding the sign, is the leader of this group of five borrowers called Youth For Progress. Pervis is 34 years old, is single, and has two children who are 8 and 17 years old. He is a senior student in college.

For three years, Pervis has been operating a foreign exchange bureau in Red Light Market, Paynesville, outside of Monrovia, Liberia.

Pervis plans to use his 10,000 Liberian dollar portion of this 50,000 Liberian dollar group loan to add more money to his business.
Pervis describes himself as a polite man. His dream is to improve his business and continue to educate his children.

In this group: Pervis, Yassah, Spencer, Thomas, Christopher

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details