A loan helped to build a toilet for her family.

Cương's story

Ms Cương is 58 years old and she is single with five children, they are independent.
Her husband passed away and the difficulties of life set on her shoulders.
She makes a living by selling seafood in the local market. Her family lives in Quang Xuong district, a coastal region of Thanh Hoa MFI.

One of the most critical difficulties that concerns her is the lartrine is not hygienic. She would like to build a new one to replace the old one. So, she asked for a loan to buy sand, cement, brick and equipments to build toilet.

In 2013, Cương joined Thanh Hoa microfinance institution to improve her business. Cương has successfully repaid 7 loans.
She hopes for her family to have a better life in the future.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to clean drinking water and improved sanitation facilities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details