A loan helped us purchase a cargo van for transporting the equipment for our fundraising performances.

Mark's story

I am 57 years old and been following my musical vision all of my life. I started playing piano long before my first piano lessons at the age of 9. My teacher would scold me for not reading the notes and following my own beat. At the age of 15, I started a top 40 music band. We recorded my first original record in a studio when I was 17. I have always seen the world with the wonder of a child. I have lived each day of this life as a new adventure. In 2011 I opened an under 21 venue. After learning of the many hardships that the youths were facing. I knew that something had to be done. In 2015 I reinvented our venue as the Radioactive Events Center and became a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Our mission is to provide a platform for artists and musicians to learn, grow, and showcase their talents.

One day I was getting things ready for a show at our venue and as I was setting up the lighting. A little girl walked into the room. She was maybe 7 years old. The room was glowing under the black lights and green laser beams danced in the air. I said to the little girl, "It's like magic." She replied, "It is magic!"

This loan is special because:

It helps a repeat Kiva borrower further develop their business.

Loan details

About Radioactive Events Center Inc.

Industry: Entertainment
Years in operation: More than 5 years
Website: radioactiveeventscenter.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details