A loan helped to buy mulberry for her tapa making business.

Lisa's story

Lisa is a single woman who lives at home and helps her mother with her tapa cloth making business. She is 24, and she is the eldest of seven children. Her father passed away last year, leaving her mother with the responsibility of raising and providing for seven children. Lisa has stepped in to help her mother in making tapa cloths and selling them to earn income.

Lisa prepares her mother's soft tapas for the tapa making, and sometimes does the tapa making herself while her mother completes other chores at home. She also prepares soft tapas and travels to the local market and sells them there.

Lisa strives to be a responsible elder sibling. She joined the loan program to receive financial help with her business. This loan will help Lisa buy mulberry, a key component of tapa making.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details