A loan helped to buy supplies, such as books and other support materials.

Bernarda Esther's story

Bernarda Esther is from the city of Santaní, is married and is a law student. Her husband works selling fruits, vegetables and fish. She in order to earn more income she does private tutoring (Spanish and mathematics) by the hour at her home.

Her goal is to be able to continue fighting for her goals and with this be able to offer a better quality of life to her children. Her dream is to finish this major and some day be a competent professional in the field, practice it, and in this way earn more income and be a successful professional.

She asks for this loan to be able to buy supplies, such as books and other support materials.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Verna Krishnamurthy.

This loan is special because:

It funds students who are pursuing their university studies.

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